Hotchkiss Prize – Winning Essential Oil Building Has a Piazza!

Anyone who has used the Leach St. Bridge has noticed the work has been completed on the new piazza that will greet visitors who come to visit the building. Thanks to Arthur Santelli (who along with Lyons National Bank also financed the new cedar shake siding) the Lyons Heritage Society was able to make another improvement that is practical as well as aesthetic.

Completed this fall, Lawrence Design and Landscaping of Palmyra removed all of the stone cobbles on the bed of the driveway and graded it for drainage. They uncovered a short cement wall for the banked garden along Water St., giving the garden more definition.

The design, as you can see, is striking, and the driveway smoother, which will require less maintenance in keeping it weed- and grass-free. The piazza will enhance our greeting of the annual Parks and Trails bikers in July, as well as bikers and boaters throughout the season. We are indeed fortunate to have Arthur Santelli as a devoted supporter of the Lyons Heritage Society.

To see the progress, click here

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