Amended September 2024
Lyons Heritage Society
Town of Lyons, NY 14489
Section 1.
The name of this organization shall be the Lyons Heritage Society.
Section 1.
The purposes of this society shall be:
A. To gather, preserve, display and make available for study artifacts, relics, books, manuscripts, papers, photographs and other records and materials relating to the history, past and present, of the Town of Lyons, New York;
B. To disseminate knowledge about the Town of Lyons;
C. To encourage original historical research about the Town of Lyons;
D. To promote the preservation of places within the Town of Lyons which have historic, architectural or natural interest, and to encourage the marking of these places;
E. To acquire, if advisable, by purchase, gift, devise, easement or otherwise the title to or the custody and control of historic sites, structures or interior spaces, and preserve and maintain such properties;
F. To accept monetary bequests, endowments, real or personal property deemed useful to support the overall goals and purposes of the society;
G. To work with any other public-spirited organizations, particularly those within the immediate area, for the betterment of the Town of Lyons.
H. To maintain the H. G. Hotchkiss Museum
Section 1.
Membership in this society shall be open to all persons, institutions, businesses or other organized groups interested in the society’s objectives and willing to aid and assist in providing and encouraging the same through participation and payment of annual dues.
Section 2.
Membership shall consist of several classifications as authorized by the membership at large, with recommendations by the Board of Trustees. These categories are:
A. Individual
B. Household-two persons residing at the same address
C. Institutional/Corporate-any organization, board, school, library or business
D. Patron
E. Life
Section 3.
Membership in the society shall be accomplished by payment of dues required in the appropriate category. Each member, regardless of classification, shall have only one vote at meetings of members, which vote may be cast in person or by proxy; in the Household category, both persons will have a vote . Only members in good standing, having paid annual dues in full, shall be permitted to vote. The rights and privileges of a member shall not be assignable.
Section 4.
Each member regardless of classification shall be entitled to:
A. Attend and participate in all general meetings and activities of the society;
B. Cast one vote at any general meetings of the society, providing that the membership dues have been paid in full and that the membership has been in effect for at least sixty days prior to the meeting at which such a vote is taken;
C. Hold elective or appointive office in the society;
D. Receive copies of any publications (newsletter, annual report, notices, etc.) designed for general society distribution;
E. Enjoy all other privileges of membership as determined by this organization;
Section 1.
The annual meeting of the society shall be held at a date to be determined by the membership upon the recommendation of the Board of Trustees.
Section 1.
The officers of the society shall be a president, a vice-president, a secretary, and a treasurer, all of whom shall be elected. In addition, there shall be three advisory trustees, initially elected for one additional term. The Lyons Town Historian will be an Honorary Member of the Executive Board for the the duration in that position with no voting power,
Section 2.
The offices and trustees shall constitute the Board of Trustees, and the responsibilities of the society shall rest in the board.
Section 3.
The officers and trustees of the society must be members in good standing.
Section 1.
All officers and trustees shall be elected by a plurality of votes cast by the membership at the annual dinner.
Section 2.
All slates of proposed officers and trustees will be presented to the board, and then given to the membership at the annual dinner. Nominations of other members may be made by any member from the floor. A voice vote will be taken at the annual meeting.
Section 3.
Officers and trustees shall be installed at the close of the annual dinner at which they are elected and shall serve until their successors have been duly elected and installed. In the case of the resignation or incapacity or any officer(except for the president) or any trustee, the vacancy shall be filled by a vote of the board for the unexpired term of office.
Section 1.
In the event of dissolution, all of the remaining assets and property of the society shall, after necessary expenses, be distributed to such organizations shall qualify under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, as amended, or to another organization to be used in such manner as in judgement of a justice of the Supreme Court of the State of New York will best accomplish the general purposes for which the society was formed. Organizations to which such assets and property are distributed, if such assets of property are in the nature of scientific or cultural material, shall have collections management policies similar to the society.
Section 1.
This constitution may be amended at any regular or special meeting by a two-thirds vote of the membership, provided that notice was given at the previous meeting. All proposed amendments shall be submitted in writing.
Section 1.
This society shall not be operated for profit, and its entire properties, assets, and facilities shall be devoted to the purposes for which it is organized as set forth in its constitution, as the same may from time to time be amended.
Section 1.
Annual dues for the various classes of membership, as described in the constitution are:
Student – $5
Individual – $15
Household – $25
Institutional/Corporate – $50
Patron – $100
Life – $500 (amended 2011)
Section 2.
Annual dues shall be payable upon notice of renewal and members in arrears for more than two months after payment is due shall be dropped from the active membership roll.
Section 1.
Regular meetings of the society shall be held at presentations at least five times a year. The usual meeting time will be the third Monday of a month, unless changed.
Section 2.
Special meetings may be called by the president.
Section 3.
The Board of Trustees shall meet at least quarterly. Special meetings of the Board may be called by the president or any member of the Board of Trustees.
Section 4.
Five board members shall constitute a quorum,
Section 1.
The president shall have executive supervision over the activities of the society within the scope provided by these by-laws and shall preside at all meetings. The president shall report annually on the activities of the society and shall appoint members of the committees and delegates not otherwise provided for.
Section 2.
The vice-president shall assume the duties of the president in the event of absence, incapacity, resignation or removal of the president.
Section 3.
The secretary shall keep the minutes of the meetings of the society and of the meetings of the Board of Trustees, maintain a list of members.
Section 4.
The treasurer shall be responsible for the safekeeping of society funds, maintaining adequate financial records, and for depositing all monies with a reliable banking company in the name of the Lyons Heritage Society. Monies shall be paid out by credit card or numbered checks signed by both the treasurer and the president. The treasurer will collect dues and shall render an annual report.
Section 5.
The advisory trustees shall encourage and assist the officers of the society in pursuit of the organization’s overall goals.
Section 6.
The officers and advisory trustees, in their capacity as the Board of Trustees of the society, shall decide questions of policy that for any reason cannot be acted upon at a meeting of the society and perform such other functions as designated in the by-laws or otherwise assigned to it.
Section 7.
At any meeting of the Board of Trustees, four members shall constitute a quorum. The Board of Trustees shall elect its own chairperson, through whom the Board will render an annual report at each annual meeting.
Section 1.
The president shall appoint, with the approval of the Board of Trustees, those committees deemed necessary from time to time. These committees shall consist of one to five members at the discretion of the president and/or the committee chairperson. The president shall be a member of all committees.
Section 2.
The Society shall have the following standing committees:
1. Program – responsible for arranging suitable programs, for setting time, pace and related arrangements (Vice-President)
2. Membership – responsible for membership drives and processing new candidates;
3. Publicity – responsible for publicity to all media;
4. Projects – will be responsible for proposing and supervising suitable projects in pursuit of the society’s overall goals (ad hoc committees)
5. Nominations – responsible for preparing a slate of officers and advisory trustees and
handling any arrangements related to elections of such;
6. Publications – responsible for all society newsletters
7. Finance – responsible for all of the society’s financial matters; the treasurer shall be an ex-officio member of this committee
8. Audit Committee: review of all of the year’s financial transactions at the end of each year buy three members of the Lyons Heritage Society
Section 1.
The rules contained in Robert’s Rules of Order shall govern the proceedings of the society except in such cases as are governed by the constitution or the by-laws.
Section 1.
These by-laws may be amended at any regular or special meeting by a two-thirds vote of those present, provided that notice was given at a previous meeting. All proposed amendments shall be submitted in writing.
This award is to be given to a graduating senior who has an interest in history and has been involved in local community activities or worked volunteering time to an historical project. The award may be given at the Spring Awards Assembly in the name of the Lyons Heritage Society and in the amount of $500.00.
Articles of this constitution were amended September 2024.